TTV Festival 2014
#identity #videography / Client Riccione Teatro

“Performing arts on screen” è il tema della 22° edizione del TTV Festival, evento biennale di cinema e teatro che si svolge a Riccione, organizzato da Riccione Teatro, con ospiti importanti come Mario Martone e Peter Greenaway. Abbiamo sviluppato il concept dell’edizione 2014 e la campagna pubblicitaria (video, web e cartacea), basata sulla tecnica della scanimation.

“Performing arts on screen” is the topic of the 22nd edition of TTV Festival, a biennial event located in Riccione organized by Riccione Teatro, with important guests like Mario Martone and Peter Greenaway. We developed the concept of TTV 2014, as well as the advertising campaign, based on the scanimation technique, and video teasers to promote the event.

TTV Festival 2014
#identity #videography

“Performing arts on screen” è il tema della 22° edizione del TTV Festival, evento biennale di cinema e teatro che si svolge a Riccione, organizzato da Riccione Teatro, con ospiti importanti come Mario Martone e Peter Greenaway. Abbiamo sviluppato il concept dell’edizione 2014 e la campagna pubblicitaria (video, web e cartacea), basata sulla tecnica della scanimation.

“Performing arts on screen” is the topic of the 22nd edition of TTV Festival, a biennial event located in Riccione organized by Riccione Teatro, with important guests like Mario Martone and Peter Greenaway. We developed the concept of TTV 2014, as well as the advertising campaign, based on the scanimation technique, and video teasers to promote the event.

Client Riccione Teatro


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